“For the mystery of iniquity and lawlessness is already at work; but He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the glory of His coming; that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with great power and with all kinds of signs and counterfeit miracles, and with all the deception of wickedness among those who are perishing, because they would not receive the love of the truth which could have saved them.” (2 Thessalonians 2:7-10)
The expression New World Order, which we are hearing quite regularly these days, is not new. The Latin form of the term appeared on the Great Seal of America which was first used publicly in 1782; and both sides of the Great Seal have been printed on the reverse side of the one dollar note since 1935. The Latin phrase is Novus Ordo Seclorum, which means, “New Order of the Ages” or New World Order.
The Great Seal of the United States is used to authenticate certain documents issued by the US federal government. The phrase is used both for the physical seal itself (which is kept by the US Secretary of State),
The coat of arms features a shield, which is supported by a bald eagle with its wings outstretched. From the eagle’s perspective, it holds a bundle of 13 arrows in its left talon (foot), and an olive branch with 13 leaves in its right talon, together symbolizing that the USA has “a strong desire for peace, but will always be ready for war.” The eagle has its head turned towards the olive branch. This is said to symbolize a preference for peace. In its beak, the eagle clutches the motto E pluribus unum (“Out of Many, One”). Over its head there appears a “glory” (or halo) with 13 stars on a blue field, arranged in rows of 1-4-3-4-1, forming a six-pointed star. On the reverse side of the seal is an unfinished pyramid. The capstone, suspended above the pyramid, is a triangle with an eye in the centre, emitting a glory of light. On the base of the pyramid is inscribed the date in Roman numerals, MDCCLXXVI (1776) – the year of the formation of the United States Union.
Above and below the pyramid are two Latin mottos:
1 . “Annuit Coeptis”. This motto has 13 letters, and signifies that, “He has favoured our undertakings.”
2 . Novus Ordo Seclorum which means “New Order of the Ages” (New World Order).
The number 13 is featured nine times on the Great Seal. * 13 stars (in the “glory”above the eagle’s head) * 13 stripes on the shield * 13 arrows in the eagle’s talon * 13 olive leaves and 13 olives on the branch * 13 brick levels of the pyramid *13letters in the mottos “E pluribus unum” * 13 letter in “annuit coeptis” and * there are 52 characters on the whole seal - 4 x 13. The number 13 refers to the original 13 states of the American Union. There are various interpretations of the Great Seal. Some American Christians believe it is an inspired symbol – a sign of God’s work in establishing the American republic. The number 13, some believe represents unity.
Others claim the Great Seal of America, as printed on the dollar bill, uses Masonic emblems: the eye in the pyramid, the eagle and the inscriptions are replete with secret Masonic symbolism. It is believed by many that the detached Capstone of the Pyramid represents Lucifer, who, in the person of the Antichrist, will rule during the second half of the Great Tribulation.
The All-Seeing in the Capstone is also known as the Eye of Horus, the Egyptian sun god, who is a form of Tammuz, and Baal. Christians have been led to believe that the government of the USA is based on the basic principles of the Bible. But historical evidence argues against the view that those who formulated the foundational documents of American government were fundamental Christians. To the contrary, many of those who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution, were Freemasons.
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