In 2003, the United Nations tabled a 410-page final report of the Commission on Global Governance, dubbed “Our Global Neighbourhood.” The 28-member “independent commission,” created by German Chancellor Willy Brandt, developed the following strategy: “To represent a shot-across-the-bow of George Bush’s New World Order, and make clear that now is the time to press for the subordination of national sovereignty to democratic trans-nationalism.” In the present economic and financial desperation, many leaders around the globe are convinced, and are openly calling for the creation of a “New World Order.” On Jan 5, 09, Dr Henry Kissinger was interviewed by CNBC on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. He responded to a question about President-elect Obama’s first actions as President: “He can give new impetus to American foreign policy ... I think that his task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period, when really a ‘new world order’ can be created. It’s a great opportunity. It isn’t such a crisis.” Oh, really?
On January 7, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said that “in the 21st century, there it is no longer a single nation who can (independently) say what we should do or what we should think.”
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the world “cannot continue as it is.” It needs new global mechanisms. Both Tony Blair and the current British PM, Gordon Brown, have repeatedly called for a New World Order for many years, but their cries have now intensified. Interestingly, when President-elect Obama delivered a speech in 2008 to hundreds of thousands in Germany, he stated, “Tonight, I speak to you not as a candidate for
President, but as a citizen — a proud citizen of the United States, and a fellow citizen of the world.” The media hailed Obama for his vision of America and the New World Order. Indeed, the chorus for a New World Order is being heard around the world. A sampling of the global press:
• Africa: Time for a new world order
• Australia: We need a new world health order
• Canada: A new world order rising?
• China: Hu urges revamp of world finance system
• India: Plotting India’s route in the new world order
• Japan: New financial order will emerge from crisis
• Malaysia: Groups to call for new world order
• Qatar: Islam to emerge as the new world order
“Global upheaval presents great opportunity”
Jan 6/09. Conflicts across the globe and an international respect for Barack Obama have created the perfect setting for establishment of “a New World Order,” according to Henry Kissinger, the Nobel Peace Prize winner and former secretary of state under President Nixon.
Kissinger has long been an integral figure in US foreign policy, holding positions in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations.
What do they mean by a New World Order? Is it simply a “new deal” – a better state of international affairs? Or is it, as Willy Brandt said, a subordination of all nations to some form of world government – or as they are calling it - “world governance”?
It has become increasingly clear that the “illuminated” seeds for the coming new world order, sown over the past 250 years, are now ready to produce a new global harvest of one world socialism. Many world leaders are unanimous in declaring that three main things are necessary for its success.
1. A One-World Government
2. A One-World Monetary-Economic System
3. A One-World Religion
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