The bible reminds us that We, the Church, have an appointment that will seal our fate for all eternity, and that appointment is our meeting with the Lord Jesus at His coming. Paul says, “In a moment…We shall be changed.” (1Cor 15:52). We all are waiting for that moment, that second, when We all shall be changed.. Are you?
So, how much time do We have? Apostle John wrote some 2000 years ago, ‘we are living in the Last Hour‟ (1Jn 2:18). And today, we can well conclude by saying, “we are living in the closing minutes of the last hour” The bible is so full of parables that reminds us that our master will return on a day and hour, when we do not expect Him, therefore, watch and pray. (Luke 21:36)
Jesus is not slack about His promise to return but God in His longsuffering is lending us time to repent. The longsuffering of God is salvation. (2 Pet 3:9,15). What are we doing with these borrowed time?
The days of Jesus’ return is going to be in the manner of the days of Noah (Mat 24:37).
Noah spent over 100 years making an ark that seemed like a stock of mockery for Godless people. But Noah hammered every nail with perseverance and faith. The mockery and the scorn of Godless chatters did not deter Him from trusting, obeying and waiting on God
Noah chose to suffer for His Call for more than 100 years, while the world outside enjoyed the late night party in drunkenness, wickedness, lewdness and in all the works of the flesh. It was their season to rejoice over the works of the flesh but for Noah, it was a season to obey and prepare himself for the day salvation (1Pet 1:5), it was a season to suffer for the Call. While the world enjoyed the passing pleasure of sin, Noah was groaning in his spirit.
This is true of our world today. But the day Noah entered the ark, he was rejoicing in God’s salvation and the world outside were mourning. The door's were opened to the obedient Noah but shut for those mockers, who sought the way of flesh rather than the ways of the Spirit
It must have been a painful moment for Noah to know millions perishing but know this is the heritage of Goldless people, "Unless you repent, you shall all perish. Luke 13:3
Even so, Church, this is your season to suffer for your Higher Call. Trust, Obey and Wait on faithfully for your Lord, for a time is coming when you will rejoice and the world will mourn.
The borrowed is time about preparing ourselves for His visitation. God never visited Israelites, until He gave them time to prepare themselves. (Exo 19:10-11). In Exodus, God said that He would visit the Israelites only on the ‘Third day’, for the first and second day was meant for preparation and the third day for visitation. Church, your legal husband comes on the third day to take you away, are you ready to meet Him?
Even so, Church, this is your season to suffer for your Higher Call. Trust, Obey and Wait on faithfully for your Lord, for a time is coming when you will rejoice and the world will mourn.
The borrowed is time about preparing ourselves for His visitation. God never visited Israelites, until He gave them time to prepare themselves. (Exo 19:10-11). In Exodus, God said that He would visit the Israelites only on the ‘Third day’, for the first and second day was meant for preparation and the third day for visitation. Church, your legal husband comes on the third day to take you away, are you ready to meet Him?
… therefore, watch and pray. (Luke 21:36)
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