There are few wise who have understood that they are living on borrowed times, therefore they are cautious in living their life. Yet some are living like fools. How about you?
We can’t afford to sleep without oil like the five foolish virgins (Mat 25:3-5). If the chances for the Bride (Church) to miss the coming of Bridegroom were zero, then Jesus would not waste His time narrating the parable. Let’s be reminded, if we miss at this ‘Last Hour’ (emphasis added), we are left with no time to prepare ourselves to meet our Lord Jesus.
Jesus taught us heavenly things with earthly matters like interpreting seasons. He said; when you see these signs come to pass know that it is near, even at the doors. You may ask, Signs, what signs….?
Yes, Bible talks about signs before Jesus returns and signs are just what you need when you are walking into the unknown. The Signs, which we all must watch for …
Restoration of Israel and Jerusalem- the End Times Boiling Pot.
The Moral Deterioration our Social World.
Global Economic Meltdown
Increasing Natural Disaster.
Call for ‘New World Order.’
Rise of the beast (Anti-Christ).
Rebuilding of Third Jerusalem Temple & many more.
Let me remind you, that the moralities that the world believes in do not have an anchor; it has no real foundations, ‘tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of philosophy, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. (eph 4:14)
It is the resultant of wisdom that is earthly, sensual and demonic and men are deceived into such living. And for this reason our social world is collapsing under the heavy load of filth everyday. Many Immoral practices have found shelter in the so called phrase ‘age of social acceptance’ .
What our social institution fought against, yesterday; today they not only consent but defend the same. Sodomy was heinous act until yesterday; today it is not only tolerated, but protected by the law in many nations. But Will they go unpunished? Certainly No.
As you understand the morality that is believed and practiced today, there are 10 Most disturbing trend in the world today that exposes the morality of the world, and We the Church must ‘Be Aware.’ There is today...
1. Parenthood without concern.
2. Luxury without limits.
3. Money without honesty.
4. Authority without responsibility.
5. Entertainment without ethics.
6. Relationship without sanctity.
7. Love without commitment.
8. Education without culture.
9. Freedom without decency.
10. Selfishness without boundaries.
This is how Paul describes the moral lives of the people at the end times,
“For men will be lovers of themselves, money-lovers, boastful, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural feeling, unyielding, slanderers, without self-control, savage, haters of good, betrayers, reckless, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness, but denying its power…” (2Tim 3:1-5)Aren’t we witnessing all these today? These things are bound to come but question is how do we live as Christians?
Paul calls the Church to “even turn away from these.” (2Tim 3:5). Know that the call for the Church is Holiness (1Ths 4:7), We must be separated from the ways of the world. We must turn away from all evil deeds to good works. And above all We must watch & pray. Remember, you are living on borrowed times.
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